【 Free Apps 】Lucky Feng Shui Direction Search

Using this app, you can know your favorable direction and unfavorable direction by famous fortune “9 Star Ki Astrology”. The 9 Stars Ki Astrology is originated from Feng Shui at China in an ancient age, it was kind of Feng Shui, but more simple to understand. It is refined a 100 years ago in Japan.
It is said that you could have a better fortune, if you go to favorable direction where energy is high you can take into to yourself. Please make the best use of when you moving to another place or going trip and so on.
Basic Usage

Setting up your birthdate
To setting your birthdate, click at top-left corner icon, you can see the birthdate setting menu.

Display 9 Star Ki Astrology Lo Shu Grid( Current Location )
Click the top-right corner of icon. Soon it’s display with your current location zoomed from your GPS coordinate.(If ScaleFixedMode is OFF, the view switch to your current location without zoomed. And UserFollowMode is ON, it is automatically follow your heading.)

Display 9 Star Ki Astrology Compass( Pin )
Long tap wherever in map view。The compass will display with pin.

Switch scale of Compass view
You can see slider in bottom side of map view. Scale is correspond from 0.5km to 3600km of radius.

Switch of Yearly・Monthly・Daily Compass
Click the segment which you can see on bottom side of map view.

Search Places
Please input on search field on top of map view. If the places were exist, the map view switched.(If not, nothing happen)

Date Controll
To move the date, press “BACK” “NEXT” icon where you can see under the map view.

Pressing Calendar icon which is middle of “BACK”, “NEXT” icon, you can move to any date. Also you can take your memo on date at single tap of calendar date. To add memo, press “+” icon.To delete, swipe the memo.
How to look 9 Star and favorable direction

Detail of favorable direction
Press the “i” icon on callout, you could see the detail of favorable and unfavorable direction corresponding to 9 Star. Blue text means favorable direction and red is opposite.Each of 9 Star has a good and bad effect. These effect described as general meaning.

Example: In case of daily grid shows 9 Star “4 Green” and favorable direction is “Northwest”
You have a good opportunity to get marriage or good deal of bussiness which signify that good effect of 4 Green if you go “Northwest” in that day. It is said that if you go far more you get more good opportunity.